Advantages Of CCS Professional Property Maintenance Service

CCS property maintenance services will save individual homeowners and letting agents with multiple properties significant time and effort in taking care of every detail, no matter how minor, that comes with managing a commercial facility.

If your property is rented by several tenants, having a property maintenance crew in place is a must, and presents an enormous advantage for prospective tenants. Aside from timesaving, contracting the CCS team to do the job they are trained for is also cost-effective. Should you decide to maintain the entire property on your own by hiring a separate maintenance crew, you will naturally also need to invest in the cost of purchasing all necessary tools and equipment, which could be substantial.

In taking out a CCS property maintenance plan, you simply have an affordable fixed monthly fee that will be fixed throughout your plan term. Aside from access to the latest tools and equipment, by choosing to entrust your property maintenance to known professionals, you are freed from the burden of directly overseeing an in-house crew and dealing with any labour-related issues.

Property Maintenance Glasgow

Letting Agents Property Maintenance Prices

Property Qty Monthly Cost
500 - 1000 £12 per property
1000 - 2000 £8.50 per property
2000 Plus £6 per property
Individual property owners price starts from £25.00

Landlord Compliance Packages

The list of legal requirements for landlords can sometimes seem endless, making it a challenge to navigate. However, it is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that the property being let is compliant with a number of safety regulations.

CCS offers a range of compliance services to meet your needs, our three-package service supports individual landlords or letting agents that have multiple properties to look after.

CCS - full package from £36.00 per month for all three packages. (Please note: Prices may vary depending on the size of the property).

Property Maintenance Glasgow
Property Maintenance Package
from £12.00 PM Read More
Property Maintenance Glasgow
Gas Safety Package
from £12.00 PM Read More
Property Maintenance Glasgow
Electrical Safety Package
from £12.00 PM Read More

Property Inventory Reports

CCS Property Inventories has a long history providing inventory services for homeowners, individual tenants, and landlords, as well as estate agencies and property management companies. Home inventories are an essential part of every tenancy agreement. With all the written and photographic documentation, the inventory reports can serve as a guarantee for both parties of the contract.

Our team has the knowledge and experience to spot every detail of a property and describe it thoroughly to create an unbiased report.

Property Inventory Report

The CCS property inventory report is straightforward and to the point, list explaining the contents, fixtures, fittings, and cleanliness of a property that is to be rented out. The report also contains a detailed outline of the condition of a given property, noting the existing state of all items and any deterioration, together backed with professional digital images.

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Property Inventory & Check-in Report

Our check-in service entails making an appointment with the tenant and meeting at the property at the start of their tenancy terms. We will take a note of the total number of keys provided to the tenants, the existing meter readings in the residence, and go through with the tenants the formerly prepared inventory report.

The Tenants will have the opportunity to take note of any kind of dissimilarities among the present condition of the property and the inventory report prior to being requested to sign a copy of the inventory, along with the landlord or agent, giving all the parties “peace of mind” they have a legal contract on the contents and condition of the property.

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Check-In Only

The CCS check-in service entails a pre-arranged appointment with the tenant and meeting at the property at the start of their tenancy terms. We will take a note of the total number of keys provided to the tenants, the existing meter readings in the residence, and go through with the tenants the formerly prepared inventory report.

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Check-Out Report

CCS check out service will take place at the ending of the tenancy term. We will proceed through the earlier prepared inventory and any check-in information and evaluate the present state of all items with the condition noted at check-in.

We will note any damaged, lost, or replaced items as well as examining the property in terms of cleanliness. Digital images will be taken of any deterioration. This will allow the landlord or letting agent to permit for any expenses that may be required following the tenancy.

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Update on Your Property

If CCS have created your inventory for you, we can visit the property and update it after tenants have left, or at any stage during the tenancy if circumstances change, such as a renovation, or new furniture arriving.

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Inspection Report / Interim Service

A property inspection or Mid-term report is of excellent value to the landlord or the letting agent. We will stop by your rented property every 6 months or more if necessary and conduct an overview of the property.

We will perform a precise assessment of the property taking into consideration its condition and jotting any repair or maintenance issues that the tenant may have. This enables you to keep track of your property or home and guarantee that no nasty surprises arise. This report is crucial if you have high valued content in your residential property or if a landlord lives abroad.

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